Human Resources FAQs


How do I know how many sick, personal and vacation days I have?

  • You can check your paystub which will give you the available days

  • You can look in AESOP at your available balances.

    • Click on Account tab

    • Click on Absence Reason Balances on the left side of the screen to get the number of days you have available.

What do I do if I missed the AESOP time cut off the day of my absence?

  • On the same day of your absence you can call your school secretary, or you can call Insight to report your absence at 856-406-6015.

  • You can email Email AESOP to report your absence. Be sure to give them your name, absence reason, date of the absence and how long you will be out for.

How do I apply for an extra duty position?

  • You need to apply as an internal candidate. You can go to the following link and follow the directions on how to set your application up as an internal candidate:  Internal Candidate

Worker's Compensation

I was hurt at work, what do I do?

  • You should always report your injury to our worker’s compensation insurance carrier as well as your supervisor as soon as the injury happens, even if you feel fine and there is no visible physical injury.

  • If you need emergency treatment, you may go to any hospital. If you need regular medical treatment you must go to a doctor listed on the approved doctor panel list, located in the Worker’s Compensation Packet.

  • Call School District Insurance Consortium (“SDIC”) at 1-800-445-6965 to report your injury.

  • Complete the worker’s compensation packet which can be obtained from your school nurse, principal, or you may contact the Human Resources department. Return required paperwork to Human Resources.

What do I do if I am injured at work but feel fine?

  • You should always report your injury to our worker’s compensation insurance even if you feel fine and there is no visible physical injury. Call School District Insurance Consortium (“SDIC”) at 1-800-445-6965 to report your injury.  You should also complete the worker’s compensation packet which can be obtained from your school nurse, principal, or you may contact the Human Resources department.  Return required paperwork to Human Resources.

I feel I have been harassed. How do I file a complaint?

  • The complaint form can be found here.  Please note that it is at the bottom of the board policy. The policy states that the form should be returned to the HR Director, Carol Heindel.

I am a new employee. How do I transfer my sick days from my prior district?

  • Please have your prior district email our payroll department with information on your sick day balance. You may contact Tami Kirby at Email Tami Kirby

What do I need to do to acquire tenure?

  • In order to be eligible for Tenure in PA you must have 3 years of service at the school district and receive a Satisfactory evaluation within 4 months of the 3 year anniversary date.  Human Resources will recommend your Tenure to a following board agenda once the requirements are met.  You will then receive two copies of a Professional Contract to read and sign and return to Human Resources, after both copies are signed by the Board you will receive one of the two copies back and the other will go in your HR file.

How do I change my address/name?

  • In order to change your name or address, you must complete the paperwork found here.  Please complete all three forms and return the original copies to Melanie Crescenz in our HR department. If you are changing your name, you must also stop into our office with your new social security card that reflects your name change.

How do I update my phone number?

  • Please contact Melanie Crescenz in the HR department and give her your new phone number.

How do I reset my password for the Employee Web Portal?

  • Our payroll department handles the Employee Web Portal. Please contact Tami Kirby at 

I have lost my ID badge. How do I get a replacement?

  • Please contact Melanie Crescenz in our HR department to obtain a new badge.

How do I apply for tuition reimbursement?

  • The entire tuition reimbursement process is done online through My Learning Plan. We no longer use physical, paper forms. The most important part of this process to remember is to submit your course for approval before the start date of the course. Any courses that are submitted after you have already begun taking them will be denied for reimbursement. After you have completed the course, you must send all required paperwork to Melanie Crescenz in our HR department. You can do this by uploading the paperwork into My Learning Plan, or by sending physical, hard copies to Melanie via inter office mail. A list of the required paperwork needed to process your reimbursement can be made available upon request.

How do I change my banking information for my direct deposit?

  • The form to update your direct deposit information can be found here.  Please complete the form and return the original copy to the payroll department.

I need to take a medical leave of absence. What should I do?

What do I need to know about Salary Track Advancement?

  • Each bargaining unit member’s classification on the schedule shall be determined by their degree and college semester hours earned prior to September 1 and February 1 of the school year. If you earned sufficient educational graduate credits to move to a higher compensation bracket on the salary schedule, you will be permitted to move at the commencement of the next semester following the submission of documentation of credits earned or degree completed.  You must submit the “Notice of Intent to Move on the Salary Scale” form by May 1st of your anticipated change in salary classification for the following school year.  The form shall be sent directly to Human Resources.  Salary advancements will be made the 1st pay in October, retroactive to September and on the 14th pay as it falls on the calendar.  It is your responsibility to submit either hard copies or digital official unopened transcripts 10 days prior to the requested pay date(s).  Current tracks available are:  B+24, M, M+30, M+60.  If you are unsure about how to complete or have questions regarding the form, be sure to call Human Resources for the correct information.

How do I apply for my Level II Certification?

  • To apply for a Level II certification you must apply online at the PA Dept of Education website through TIMS.  You will be instructed to pay a fee and submit Official Sealed Transcripts if required for your type of certification.  Please read the requirements for your type of certification on the PDE website.  Contact Human Resources for questions with the process.