Payment Information
The Food Service Department of the Coatesville Area School District uses a computerized meal accountability system for the management of school meals. This process begins at your student’s school site on the first day of school. The system allows us to provide better services to our students and staff.
All students in grades K through 12 will have an ID Barcode Card to access their meal account. This ID card will be given to every student on the first day of school by their homeroom teacher. As the student goes through the cafeteria line, they will scan their barcode at the scanner that will electronically record the student’s meal.
We encourage parents/guardians to put money in their student’s account. For example, by putting $25.00 into your student’s account, they will be able to purchase any breakfast, lunch, milk, or snack item using this money. Pre-paying will speed the cafeteria lines and will eliminate the worry of students losing their money. This system will automatically credit or debit the student’s account and tell the student when the account balance is low. Parents can request an itemized listing of what their child has eaten for any specific period, and can request that the money in their student’s account be used only to purchase meals, not snacks. Parents should contact the School Food Service Manager if interested in the above.
To pre-pay parents/guardians may send a check payable to “Coatesville Area School District Food Service.” Please place pre-payment money in a sealed envelope and include the following information:
student’s name
student's homeroom number
dollar amount enclosed
This envelope should be given directly to the Food Service Manager in the morning.
Households with more than one student in the same school need to state the amount of money to be placed in each student’s account. Different children in the same household cannot share an account balance.
Additionally, pre-payment to your child’s account may be made online, for a nominal fee through School Cafe.
Should you have any questions, you may obtain further information by calling the Food Service Department at 610/466-2404.