Staff Resources

Who to Contact

  • Technology -

    • Help Ticket System login One to One Ticketing

    • Employee email (O365)

    • Computer login (Active Directory)

    • School Messenger

    • Parent Notifications

    • Website 

    • Desk Phone PIN

    • Network Drives

  • Pupil Services - X82432

    • Teacher Access Center

    • eSchoolPlus 

    • Performance Plus 

  • Facilities -

  • Payroll - X82410

    • Employee Web Portal

    • Pay Issues

  • Curriculum Office - X82518

    • Every Day Math

    • My Learning Plan

    • Curriculum Drive

  • Special Education - X82431

    • IEP Writer

    • AIMS Web

  • Human Resources - X82408

    • AESOP Login or issues

    • New Employee Access

    • PAETEP

    • School Messenger Employee Notifications

  • Finance Office - X82428

    • Purchase Order Logins

  • Guidance Counselors

    • Home Access

  • Security - X82471

    • FOB Access/Badges