What do I do if I get a SPAM or phishing email?
You may be in receipt of an email that you are not expecting. This is typically unsolicited emails, often commercial in nature. This is often considered junk mail and can fill up your inbox unnecessarily. You can report this as junk, so your inbox will know to filter/block emails like this in the future.

A phishing email any malicious email message meant to trick users into divulging private information. This is far more dangerous then SPAM. CASD Technology will never ask you for your password information nor should you ever share your password information with anyone.
Scammers send email messages that appear to be from financial institutions or credit card companies that try to trick recipients into giving private information (i.e., username, password, account number, etc.). These emails are designed to trick you. If it's too good to be true, or suddenly urgent in nature, that is very suspicious. Please report these emails with our Phish alert button in your email toolbar. This will pull the email from your inbox, and isolate it for further inspection. This helps keep your identity safe, and assists in confidential data from being breached.