
Naviance Requirement
Naviance and Career & College Readiness
Naviance is an online program that the district has invested in for our students to start their career & college planning. Naviance is software provider that partners with high schools and other K–12 institutions to provide students with college planning and career assessment tools. The State of Pennsylvania requires all students to complete activities as evidence that you are participating in Career & College Readiness to meet the Pennsylvania Career Standards Benchmark. Students must complete the grade specific online activities in Naviance each school year. Through these activities, students will be exploring pathways working toward a career upon graduation.
Please refer to the information below for assistance with logging on to Naviance using CLEVER:
1. Login to Naviance using the following URL address: Click Here
2. Click on the icon that states "Sign in with Clever."
3. Enter Coatesville Intermediate High School when asked to search for your school.
4. Select school email address when asked to "Log in with Google". Enter school email if it does not appear. School email address uses the following format:
5. Students should not have to log in again unless you change your device.
6. Enter student individual Naviance account and look under “Planner” at the top of the student page and click on “Tasks” for a list of “Tasks assigned to me.