Pro Team

 North Brandywine Middle School PRO Team

What is PRO Team?

PRO Team consists of faculty and staff trained to identify issues that may pose a barrier to a student’s learning and school success.  Concerns related to health, attendance, mental health, academics, and substance use are addressed.

PRO Team is part of the state mandated Student Assistance Program (SAP). SAP is an intervention program which works to mobilize school and community resources in order to remove the barriers to learning.  It is not a treatment program.

What is the Process?

The team will assign a case manager who will distribute confidential behavior observation reports within the school which contain valuable information on how the student appears during his/her school day.

When a student’s behavioral assessment forms are returned to the team, they determine the appropriate action.  If an intervention is recommended, the parent/guardian are contacted about the concerns presented.

After parental permission, the student meets with a member of the team to talk about the presented concerns.

The team would then discuss possible recommendations for the student with the student and his/her parent/guardian.

Parental Involvement

Parents are an essential component and the PRO Team will make every effort to include them in the process.  When concerns lie beyond the scope of our school, PRO Team will inform parents of concerns, make recommendations, and provide information on available community resources.

Signs of Concern

  • Change in school attendance or performance

  • Alteration of personal performance

  • Mood swings or attitude changes

  • Withdrawal from responsibility/family

  • Association with drug-using peers

  • Unusual pattern of behavior

  • Defensive attitude concerning personal choices, drugs, etc.

PRO Team Members

  • Mrs. Kelly Duffy

  • Ms. Lauren Gibb

  • Mrs. Rebecca Michnuk 

  • Ms. Linda Hershey

  • Mrs. Melissa Willis

  • Dr. Christopher Jahnke

Anyone can make a referral!

If you wish to refer a student of concern to the PRO Team, please complete a referral slip and return it to a PRO Team member.

Your referral will be treated with the utmost confidentiality!

Permission to release information must be provided, in writing, before any information is provided to outside resources.

Pro Team Resource List

Referral Form