
Dr. Jeanette R. Lennon Principal

Dr. Jeanette R. Lennon


  • Pennsylvania Professional Certification:

    • Administrative I - Principal PK-12

    • Instructional I - Elementary K-6


  • Education Doctorate Innovation & Leadership 


    Wilmington University, New Castle, DE, January 2022 

    Master of Instruction: Education

    University of Delaware, Newark, DE, December 2000 

    Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education

    West Chester University, West Chester, PA, May 1993 

    Associate of Applied Science: Human Services 

    Delaware Technical & Community College, Wilmington, DE, June 1990 

  • My Leadership Statement

    Principals vary in temperament, leadership style, and use of strategies. However, the most effective administrative leaders have a specific characteristic in common: the ideal principal is a change agent. She/he is capable of effectively and strategically navigating between leadership styles and the learning styles of his/her teachers, while also carrying out a vision of excellence collectively with all stakeholders and bringing about sustained change and achievement. Authoritative but collaborative, deliberate but compassionate, the work of the Principalship is never complete. Perpetually changing standards and expectations require adaptive leadership. Multiple target audiences (district leadership, building staff, students, their families and the community at large) place a demand on principals, necessitating creativity, sensitivity and stability.


    My Principal Mission

    To create and maintain a collaborative and trusting learning environment for all stakeholders and implement organizational structures to promote rigorous learning opportunities for all students.


    My Principal Vision

    Facilitate shared leadership and strategic empowerment; cultivate leaders from within and create opportunities for students and staff to lead in order to increase student achievement. Decisions will be data driven with a clear focus on every student’s success.  Stakeholders will feel a sense of ownership in the school’s goals and mission.  Continue to develop a strong foundation to close achievement gaps and increase student achievement.


    My Core Beliefs

    • The purpose of school is to provide for the fullest possible development of each individual learner; therefore, all students are capable of learning.

    • The function of education is to teach all learners to think intensively and critically, but with morals and values that develop one's character in order to become a productive member of our society.

    • Student focus is the reason why we seek to improve our practices.

    • All barriers can be mitigated with committed adults advocating for students.

    • All students deserve highly effective teachers and principals.

    • Innovative and differentiated learning are keys to closing achievement gaps.

    • Data should inform strategy, not determine strategy. 

    • Leadership facilitated with a coaching style develops teachers and staff, which will improve student achievement.

    • An engaged and supportive community will increase student success in the school climate.

    • Communication that is consistent, transparent, and openly collaborative is necessary for school improvement.

    • Developing a shared and clear vision with all stakeholders is essential for leading change in school.